Wednesday, May 12, 2010

After Every Meal!

Having returned from the dentist's office today, I remembered this picture of Gus I took a couple of months ago. Yes...that WAS my toothbrush! He fished it off the bathroom counter and began to try out a little dental hygiene of his own! This was just after having his nightly fix of oat bran tablets, two please. A few years ago while sitting in the doctor's waiting room, I over-heard this woman talking about how her cat just LOVED oat bran tablets. Thought it (and she!) was very weird. Recently, I was cleaning out the medicine cabinet and came across a whole bottle of oat bran and decided to give them a try. Bingo! He loves them, begs for them, and purrs like crazy the entire time I am breaking them up. He then has me turn on the water in the bathroom sink so he can wash them down. Knowing what oat bran is good for (among other things, it keeps you "regular"), I was a bit worried about the affect they would have on his system. Shouldn't have been you can see he has mastered putting down the toilet seat when "finished" (Good boy!!!). Now, if only he would learn to flush....

1 comment:

  1. I'm dying with the giggles!!! I LOVE GUS! And these pics are amazing!!!
