Tuesday, March 23, 2010

In the beginning....

"I don't want a cat!!" That was my response each time my daughter gingerly brought up the subject of adopting one of her older foster animals. That answer worked for me for a while. But I knew I was in trouble when my husband began to whisper with her behind my back. Soon the tactics changed from gentle hints to outright requests. I was doomed when she "brought Angus by for me to see him "... a get acquainted-type visit. I didn't think he was that cute...he skulked around the house like a something was going to jump out at him any moment - paid me absolutely no mind and wasn't one bit lovey like Dan the Dog - our Border collie wannabe. So how did I wind up with this cat whose mother was a Snowshoe Siamese and his father a drifter? They plain wore me down...little did I know what was in store for us...life hasn't been the same since "Gus" (we decided that Angus was the name of a cow) came to rule the roost. So this is the life and times of a teenage turbo-charged cat...and the humans he owns. The picture shows Gus when he first came to live with us...in a rare pose - still.

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